Friday, July 2

My old, My new, My blue

My necklace........was periwinkle.
My corset...........was borrowed.
My dress.............was new.
My boots............were old.

This was by accident, but when I gave it thought, all of the elements popped out together in my mind. Ah, sweet tradition, I can't defy you with any amount of indifference!


This wedding got me excited today:

Head over to Ruffled to see the rest!

And my new friend and wedding blogger Julie of the Smart Ass Bride is getting married this Sunday July 4th! I am so excited for her, she has been working her butt off DIY-ing so many darling red, white and blue you-name-its for their party at the Overlook house here in Portland. Check out her blog to see some of her lovelies.
Have a blast Julie!

Happy Fourth Everyone! I'm looking forward to a warm, romantic evening with my husband and our two youngest. What are you doing this weekend?


  1. thanks so much, jasper! we're going nuts but it'll all be awesome, i'm sure.

    i must point out that it's red, white and AQUA tho. we're avoiding the "B" word like the plague so as not to come across as overly patriotic!

  2. I never get tired of seeing creative wedding stuff. There's something so hopeful about weddings and the energy that goes into the creating of a happy marriage. It's really worth all the hard work! If you lived closer I'd have you over for the 4Th. I hope you have a happy one!

  3. Congrats to your blogger-bride-buddy for her wedding July 4th! That wedding was ADORABLE, thanks for sharing!
